Last year we have celebrated the Holy Year of Mercy, that is why more than ever we should open ourselves to God’s calling to be Merciful. Many of us constantly experience God’s Mercy thanks to which we live, walk, we are happy and have decent lifestyle. There are millions of people in the world who do not have such grace, not only that they are poor, hungry, thirsty and half naked – but they are persecuted and exploited…!!! Do you realize that 11 million children in the third world countries die from the lack of basic means to live…

On this page under the title “Monthly Appeals” we ask you to open your heart, for a crumb of kindness, to become a channel of God’s Mercy, which you, yourself experience so much – to share with those who are awaiting for this gesture of charity. Every month we are going to make a plea for aid for a different region of the Third World, where children and adults suffer, where an innocent blood is poured, where people live in worst conditions than animals. Will you open your heart?, will you be the channel of God’s Mercy to the millions who beg for help? Are you able to appreciate and share the graces that the Lord bestows upon you every day…?

Due to the fact that we are in a process of organizing the help for thousands of children in Haiti who lost theire parants in the 2010 earthquake, the current appeal will last three months.

Do not wait for a different occasion to do good; do something good now!! Make a donation to support the children in Haiti. God bless you always!


On January 12, 2010, a devastating earthquake with a magnitude of 7.3 struck Haiti. More than 314,000 people were killed and over 300,000 injured. The massive earthquake, the biggest the region had seen in 200 years, left more than 1.5 million people homeless, hundreds of thousands of children orphaned and resulted in an immense humanitarian crisis.

You are cordially invited


“Banquet of Mercy”
Desperately needed help for the orphaned children in Haiti


June 25th 2017, at 5:00 PM


The Millennium Garden Centre
in Brampton,
20 Polonia Avenue, Brampton,Ontario

What’s in the program?

Delicious diner, concert performed by international artists, invited guests from Haiti

All proceeds are designated to support thousands of orphaned children who survived  the 2010 Haiti earthquake, among whom work the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate.


Przeżywamy Rok Jubileuszowy Miłosierdzia. W tym roku bardziej niż kiedykolwiek winniśmy się otwierać na Boże wyzwanie, aby być miłosiernym. Wielu z nas nieustannie doznaje Bożego Miłosierdzia i dzięki temu żyjemy, poruszamy się i jesteśmy; jesteśmy  szczęśliwi, żyjemy w miarę godnie! Miliony ludzi na świecie nie ma takiej łaski; nie dość, że biedni, głodni i spragnieni, pół nadzy – to jeszcze prześladowani i wykorzystywani…!!! Czy wiesz, że 11 milionów dzieci umiera rok rocznie w krajach trzeciego świata ze względu na brak podstawowych środków do życia…?

Na tej stronie pod hasłem „Monthly Apeals” prosimy o twój odruch serca, o okruszynę dobroci, o to byś stał się kanałem Bożego Miłosierdzia, którego ty tak wiele doznajesz, dla tych, którzy na ten gest tak bardzo czekają. Każdego miesiąca będziemy prosić o pomoc dla innego regionu trzeciego świata, gdzie cierpią dzieci i dorośli, leje się niewinna krew, gdzie ludzie żyją gorzej niż zwierzęta. Czy Ty okażesz im serce? Czy będziesz kanałem Bożego miłosierdzia do tych milionów błagających o pomoc? Czy potrafisz docenić to dobro, którego  tyle z dobrotliwej ręki Pana otrzymujesz każdego dnia… ?

Z racji przygotowywanego “Bankietu Miłosierdzia”, obecny „Apel” będzie trwał przez trzy miesiące. W czasie bankietu chcemy pomóc tysiącom osieroconych dzieci po trzęsieniu ziemi na Haiti w 2010 roku.


On January 12, 2010, a devastating earthquake with a magnitude of 7.3 struck Haiti. More than 314,000 people were killed and over 300,000 injured. The massive earthquake, the biggest the region had seen in 200 years, left more than 1.5 million people homeless, hundreds of thousands of children orphaned and resulted in an immense humanitarian crisis.

You are cordially invited


“Banquet of Mercy”
Desperately needed help for the orphaned children in Haiti


June 25th 2017, at 5:00 PM


The Millennium Garden Centre
in Brampton,
20 Polonia Avenue, Brampton,Ontario

What’s in the program?

Delicious dinner, concert performed by international artists, invited guests from Haiti

All proceeds are designated to support thousands of orphaned children who survived  the 2010 Haiti earthquake, among whom work the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate.

Nie czekaj na inną okazję do czynienia dobra; zrób coś dobrego teraz!!! Złóż ofiarę, aby wesprzeć sieroty na Haiti